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ukraine surrender hotline

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Ukraine Surrender Hotline

Ukraine Surrender Hotline

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Surrender By Phone

President Volodymyr Zelensky with a soldier in the newly liberated Izum, published on Zelensky's Telegram on September 14, 2022. Office of the President of Ukraine / Telegram

According to Ukraine's Defense Ministry, Russian men drafted into the war by President Vladimir Putin are using a Ukrainian hotline to ask how they can surrender.

Department spokesman Andriy Yusov said during a televised briefing on Monday that the "I want to live" hotline had received a strong response, according to Ukrainian newspaper Ukrainska Pravda.

Ukraine's Defense Ministry announced the hotline on September 19, two days before Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the mobilization of reserve forces on the battlefield.

The Desperate Russian Soldiers Calling Ukraine's Hotline For Advice On How To Surrender

Yusov said the hotline had received "several calls" from Russians who had recently been drafted and some who had not yet been drafted, according to the newspaper.

Yusov added, according to the paper: "They call and ask 'What should I do when I am called? What do I have to do, what is the right way to surrender?'

But Putin's announcement sparked protests across the country and prompted some Russians to resort to desperate measures.

Ukraine Surrender Hotline

Putin had previously vowed not to take the step, which would expose Russians accustomed to civilian life to the reality of war.

Ukraine Latest News: Thousands Of Putin's Troops 'call Ukrainian Surrender Hotline'

Flights to many countries sold out following the announcement, and according to The Guardian some are paying up to £27,000 for private jets from Russia. Satellite images also show traffic across the Russian border of people trying to leave the country.

A Telegram channel for the hotline has gained nearly 14,000 subscribers within 10 days of its launch.

A post on the hotline said it also received calls from Russian-occupied Crimea, and that the hotline is also for Ukrainians in occupied parts of the country who were forced to work in the war by Russia.

The project is for "Russians who have chosen life over death for the unknown ideals of the 'Russian world' and all others who have fallen victim to Putin's military machine," the post reads.

Thousands Of Russian Troops Contact Ukraine's “surrender Hotline”

The hotline echoes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's assurances that the surrendered soldiers will be treated in accordance with international humanitarian law.

In an address on Sunday - in which he spoke in Russian - Zelensky added that Russian troops could also surrender confidentially without the obligation to return to Russia in a prisoner exchange, Radio Free Europe reported.

"It's better not to get a conscription letter than to die overseas as a war criminal," Zelensky said, according to the outlet.

Ukraine Surrender Hotline

On Saturday, Putin increased Russia's punishments for those who desert and refuse to fight, the outlet reported. Russian military members who no longer want to fight in Ukraine now have a surrender hotline to arrange for Ukrainian forces. On September 18, Kiev launched a program with the obvious name "I want to live" to encourage Russians to surrender. Two dedicated numbers can be reached every hour, as well as an official Telegram channel (@hochu_zhyt), in Russian, which publishes information about the surrender and ends messages calling on troops to lay down their arms and "don't go home". In black bags." "Russians! The only chance to avoid death in Ukraine is to surrender. Avoid crowds, or if you're already in Ukraine, call ahead and surrender immediately ) or use the 'I want to live' chatbot," reads one of the posts, published on October 3, with a speaker and phone emoji.

Over 1 Million Russians Reach Out To Surrender Hotline As Moscow Loses Grip Over War: Kyiv

The process is simple, efficient, and just a little welcome. "Welcome to the 'I want to live' chatbot, a call center for prisoners of war," said the chatbot, which

"Headquarters accepts requests from military personnel and ensures compliance with the Geneva Conventions on the Treatment of Prisoners of War."

Tells another message. Then all they have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions to "submit safely and save [your] life." If the process is interrupted, the chatbot will remind them the next day with a new message: "There was a problem and your call was not finalized. To contact the headquarters and submit, the process will start again."

The program is showing some positive results. Since the successful Ukrainian counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region and the announcement of a military mobilization in Russia on September 21, the number of calls has increased, said Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry. "The hotline gets a lot of calls from Russians who have just been mobilized, but who are likely to be mobilized, or their families. They call and say, 'What are my options if I mobilize?' What do I do? How do I log in?''' Mr Yusov explained on September 26. The platform says it has received more than 2,000 requests so far.

A Million Russians Call Surrender Hotline As Death Toll Nears 100k: Intel

Residents of Ukrainian territories annexed by Russia who refuse to be drafted into the Russian army can also call the hotline, Mr. Yusov said. According to the Ukrainian intelligence service, Russia plans to recruit soldiers from the occupied territories, especially from the southern part of the country.

The content of this website is the work of more than 500 journalists who deliver high-quality, reliable and comprehensive news and innovative online services every day. This work is supported by additional revenue from advertising and subscriptions. A Russian tank crew is pictured with their vehicle surrendering to Ukrainian forces in Kherson, as Kremlin forces push south.

In the six-minute video, filmed by a Ukrainian soldier on the front line, a Russian armored personnel carrier is seen holding down Kyiv troops with a white sheet hanging from its gun barrel, before the crew comes out with their hands on their heads.

Ukraine Surrender Hotline

Heavily armed Ukrainian commandos are then seen with their weapons drawn and order the Russians to "drop your weapons and get out of the vehicle" before detaining the crew and searching for weapons.

Russians Calling Ukraine Hotline To Ask How To Surrender: Ukraine Mod

The surrender is believed to have been agreed in advance - the Ukrainian government has set up a hotline for Russian soldiers who want to lay down their weapons in the wake of Kiev's offensive to retake the country's southern regions.

Ukraine's government on Wednesday claimed to have the first video of Russian troops surrendering after receiving instructions from a hotline on where and how to surrender.

Vladimir Putin's mobilization has stalled since it was announced last month amid concerns about the morale of reservists called up to fight in Ukraine.

Some Russian soldiers appear on the verge of mutiny as the army struggles to accommodate and train hundreds of thousands of men.

Russia Commits 462 Crimes Against Journalists And Media In Ukraine In Nine Months Of The War

In the first major sign of protest among the masses, hundreds of soldiers gathered on a railway line in the southwestern region of Belgorod, saying they were being sent to Ukraine without training.

"We have weapons but we are not part of a unit," he said. "No one knows where we are going. We have been living like cattle for a week - no equipment or money offered.

The Russian Defense Ministry declined to comment on the video, but an unnamed official in Russia's Western Military District told the RIA Novosti news agency that the soldiers were not going to Ukraine, but to a training center in southern Russia.

Ukraine Surrender Hotline

Alexander Koltun's mother told local media that her son died on Sunday at a training camp outside Novosibirsk, Siberia, four days after being drafted.

Ukraine Latest News: Putin's Potential Successors Listed

Elena Zausayeva has dismissed reports claiming her son died of alcohol poisoning, saying he was a teetotaler who cared for six children.

Before he died, he told his mother that the assembled men were not getting rations and were mostly "hanging out and drinking".

A million Russian men have fled the country to escape the crackdown, but Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Thursday tried to play down the exodus.

Responding to Russian media reports claiming 700,000 Russian men have fled the country in recent days, Mr Peskov told reporters he did not know the exact numbers but was sure they were "very far" from those reported.

He Was Abducted And Tortured By Russian Soldiers. Then They Started Using His Instagram To Push Pro Kremlin Propaganda

We request you to turn off your ad blocker for the website so that you can continue with our quality content in the future. The Ukrainian government has said it is receiving up to 100 requests a day for a scheme designed to get Russian soldiers to surrender.

By calling the hotline

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