Qualitative Military Edge - In September 2016, US President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu signed a new memorandum of understanding to extend and increase the military aid package from the United States to Israel for another ten years. The headline was $38 billion, most of which must now be spent on military equipment purchased or manufactured in the United States. Of course, this raises many thoughts: On the one hand, there are those who remember the Lavi fighter, a blue-ribbon project for Israel and its space and electronics industry, canceled "under American pressure" and replaced by new orders from the US- built Lockheed Martin F-16 "Barak" aircraft. Others will say that Israel's wars are funded by the American taxpayer, while some will see that the US arms factories are guaranteed jobs when times are tough. It also means that, heaven forbid, a major war breaks out in the Middle East, Israel will have an "edge" to defend itself, and the United States will not have to put American troops on the ground, in the line of fire. So why did it take the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) until the last days of the Obama regime and the first days of the Biden presidency to decide how to release the first installation?

In 2017 the agreement was only announced in 2019. Fiscal year, and on the Israeli side, a new five-year plan, called Tnufa, to change the IDF to face decades of current and potential future adversaries was just gaining ground. acceleration. This plan tries to anticipate the problems of fighting a multi-front war by using the latest technology to achieve the most effective firepower on the battlefield of many different units. While much of the new technology comes from Israel, the US military assistance includes the more conventional stuff, such as a third squadron of F-35A Adir fighter jets, a number of KC-46A Pegasus tankers to refuel them and extend their range , and CH - 53K King Stallion Squadron. "heavy multiple helicopters to replace the old, underpowered and accident-prone Yassur helicopters that everyone who has served in the IDF for the last 50 years trusts. So far missing from the "shopping list" is the widely expected acquisition of the latest version of the F-15 Eagle and the possible integration of vertical launch Bell-Boeing CV-22 Ospreys for our special forces. By the way, all three confirmed "purchases" show teething problems; the CH-53K is still in testing and was just given by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) recommendation affects that the US Navy (USN) will limit the production of helicopter helicopters to six per year, less than planned, over the next few years until it completes initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E). This could seriously affect the IAF's willingness to replace the Yassur by 2025.

Qualitative Military Edge

Qualitative Military Edge

The KC-46A is beginning to replace older (1950s-60s vintage) aircraft tankers in the US Air Force, but earlier this month, General Jacqueline Van Ovost, head of the US Air Mobility Command, described the Pegasus as a "lemon" because of ongoing problems. which prevent it from carrying out its primary aerial refueling mission on a daily basis. Apparently, problems remain with the "Remote Surveillance System" (RVS), which can cause the refueling boom on the receiver, which has been reported as a particular problem when refueling the 5th force.

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The F-35A is not without problems either. The history of Adiro began with the first flight of the X-35A in 2000. in October, and more than 250 examples were delivered 10 air weapons, including 24 Israel (three more delivered in April) and all. reliable accounts "fly like a dream", the costs for both acquisition and operation are too hot for many procurement experts.

Israel has already committed 50 Adirs to form two squadrons, and now a third has been added, with the IAF on track to build 75 examples by the end of the decade. By then all the old Barak and many of the Baz jet fighters will be retired, obviously a mixed Adir and armed UAV (drone) force will be fighting the battles across our borders.

These capabilities cannot be matched by our neighbors, and even if the Emirates (UAEAF) and other potential customers in the region receive their F-35As, it will be at least five years before we integrate our first squadron and become ours. a ten-year operating advantage for a very complex formation. At least in this area we have nothing to fear. Add to that our long-range strike force of the F-15I Raam and nearly 100 F-16I Sufa fighter jets and undeclared high-level assets, our borders should remain secure for the foreseeable future.

Thanks to Prime Minister Netanyahu's excellent relations with foreign countries, we will also soon see a big jump in capability at sea with the arrival of the Thyssen-Krupp Marine Systems (TKMS) fleet of Sa'ar VI class corvettes. With nearly 500 million dollars each, they will form the "Trident" and each ship will be armed with a variety of weapons, including 40 Barak-8 marine surface-to-air missiles designed to intercept and destroy all types of aerial threats, such as e.g. such as anti-ship missiles, cruise missiles, combat aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial systems (UAS). In addition, up to two C-Dome Navy Point Defense Systems will be mounted on the bow deck of each ship to counter short-range missiles and artillery shells. The front of the bow is also fitted with an Oto Melara 76mm Super Rapid gun mount for high rate of fire against air and surface targets. The ships will also be equipped with 16 anti-ship missiles such as the Gabriel, RGM-84 Harpoon and RBS-15 Mk 3 to attack enemy ships and vessels, along with two torpedo launchers for the MK54 Light Torpedo and finally two 30mm Rafaels . Typhoon remote weapon stations.

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Impressive? Yes, but less than half the picture. The Israeli QME is undoubtedly both on the surface of the water and under the waves. While the Sa'ar VIs are more than just a new version of the Sa'ar V corvettes they replace, the really big news is under water, with Israel and Germany signing a memorandum of understanding that will allow the Israeli Navy three Dakar -class submarines included. Ships will be delivered from 2027. Former Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, who opposed the acquisition during his tenure, called on Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to investigate the negotiations, which included Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's personal lawyer, David Shimron. while in the offices of Miki Ganor, who represents Thyssen-Krupp in Israel. As widely reported in the Israeli media and even now, surprisingly, how the sword of Damacles hangs over P-M Netanyahu, A.G. Mandelblit continues to promote the acquisition of this latest technology. Ships.

The previous six Dolphin-class models introduced in the past few years cost about $700 million. USD, of which up to a third was subsidized by Germany. The Dolphins are powered by three Tognum (MTU) V-16 396 SE 84 diesel engines, giving the submarines a top speed of 20 knots (37 km/h, 23 mph) and a maximum unfueled range of 8,000 nautical miles. 15,000 km; 9,200 mi) surfaced at 8 knots (15 km/h; 9.2 mph) and submerged over 400 nautical miles (740 km; 460 mi); they are designed to stay on station for up to 30 days without supplies. While their weapon load and defense systems are, as you would expect, powerful, they are certainly as advanced and effective as anything our neighbors have in mind, again giving us at least five years of QME.

In 2016 It was revealed that new sonar developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems began to be installed on all our submarines. The new sonar capabilities of the Rafael also include the detection of ships with a low signal of noise or "stealth" characteristics, also allowing us to get well ahead of the game. Algorithms used in sonar systems make it possible to ignore a lot of noise that can disturb the operating range of the systems and to detect very distant returns. The hunt for Red October has come to Israel!

Qualitative Military Edge

There is no doubt that the Greens will also gain a host of new capabilities as the future plans of the IDF come to light, but that is beyond the scope of this review and is in any case irrelevant; as every Jewish mother knows, it is her son (or daughter) who truly gives Israel its "edge". No matter what our enemies, foreign and domestic, tell you, under the current administration, Israel, approaching 73 years of independence, is as safe as it has ever been.

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David Weinrich has dedicated his life to chasing military aircraft for fun in Europe, America, the Far East and for the past 27 years at home in Israel. He photographs them, highlights them in his books (pencil and parchment please), accompanies foreign "plane spotters" to the farthest corners of Israel, and now blogs about them for The Times of Israel. MILITARY TECHNOLOGY (MILTECH) is the world's leading international tri-service defense monthly magazine in English. MILITARY TECHNOLOGY is “A must

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